Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to Live Unhappily Ever After?

              One of my friends sent me this article published in The Wall Street Journal by Augusten Burroughs on the upside of being downbeat, and embracing loss and anger

              I do not completely agree with the author's views. You cannot feel great every day. Agreed. There are ups and down in daily life. Agreed. it must be like that to appreciate the beauty of the small things that bring joy to you. If it always feels like you are in a wonderland it gets boring.

              That said, the thing she said about loosing someone you love dearly and the repercussions on your life I will not agree at all to what she said. I have had first hand experience with my dad and saw my mom go through in fact still going through the loss but it is not at all as she described. I did see my other relatives who went through similar things, some get depressed and go into a psychological shock from which it takes years for them to come out but what I noticed is that if you are strong, have a strong mind and strong attitude towards things, accepting life as it comes and try to live the best of what you are given then you sail through difficult times.

              If you want to sulk and say that you lost everything in life it is going to be quite depressing. You feel betrayed because you invested so much in that person and all of a sudden he is gone then it is not right. I agree that we are dependent on so many things and so many ppl in our lives that it feels like we absolutely cannot live without that other person, and the memories we have of them are going to make it impossible to survive but then if we can engage ourselves in some activities to keep us busy that make us happy we can overcome that loss not a 100% but to a greater extent. 

Life goes on no matter what. It is up to you to make it miserable, livable,or happy.

              There are many things you can do to occupy your selves from your mind not thinking about the thing which is bothering you. Write, browse, volunteer, help someone in need, do something or meet someone who can help you talk you out of that spiral thoughts which lead you to hopelessness and depression. There are so many ways you can make yourself feel useful. Never give up as you have so much in you which others do not have. Serve people for your advantage to heal yourself. These days there are tons of ways to do that. 

              I consider myself quite valuable. I can do so much to help so many people. So a loss in my life is not going to stop me from doing that. I will definitely get effected but that won't stop me from living my life. "I" am quite powerful and I won't let anything in my life shatter me into pieces to make me feel worthless and useless and come to a point where I feel there is no point in living. No body can make me feel that way as I have a rock solid will power.God has invested so much in me by giving me such great life so far, I am not going to betray him. I will make myself useful to help those underprivileged who need help. 

I can go on and on but I hope you get the point.


superted143 said...

well said.

Anonymous said...

You might try to distract, and divert, yourself from your feelings. But trying to do that your entire life is futile. It turns you into a thing which no longer feels anything, engaging in activity simply to avoid feeling. That sounds dangerously like addiction-fueled behavior, or at the very least codependent behavior.
Sooner or later, youll be physically unable to 'do' away your feelings (illness, injury, old age). What will you 'do' then? Maybe you could accept your feelings, at least a little.

Anonymous said...

If "you sail through difficult times" then they're not difficult for you, by definition

And as for your blog's tagline


What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived!


This doesn't seem to mean anything.
It's like saying

"What one *feels* is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the felt!"

"What one *earns* is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s education, and the interpretation of the *earned*!"


"What one KNOWS is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the KNOWN!"

It's very recursive, referencing itself, is what I'm saying