Saturday, July 28, 2007


Do you believe in rebirth? I do. I am a Hindu. I was raised with all the epic stories which state rebirth a lot. I was told to be kind to people and do good things in this life as it gets carried to my next life. So practically I have the power to make my next life a better one. It felt nice to have that kind of control and I followed it.

I have seen the rebirth in trees. It hit me looking at the autumn season known as fall in North America where trees shed their leaves. The leaves of the trees change their color to a reddish hue prior to falling. It is also the season during which days get shorter and cooler, the nights get longer. I see a resemblance to human life here.

I used to feel really bad for the plants to lose all its leaves and look grey and dry. I never liked the empty trees. It is depressing to watch them. But the fall of 2006 changed my perception.

I observed that during summer the trees reach maturity and perfection. They look lush green and are full of great tasting fruits and flowers. So it is like one life cycle for the trees that can be compared to the human life. I see the on set of fall as the maturing season representing the old age followed by death(fall).

The interesting fact to be observed is that the tree does not lose its identity. It certainly loses what ever it owned in its previous life but if it is taken good care of, nurtured properly it has a better life in the next season. So, the fact that your today’s deeds gets carried over to a better tomorrow is true. Now I have a stronger reason to be good and do well!


Unknown said...

Yep... How do you convince a Person who believes that all his/her births are all ready Pre-determined? Not only pre-determined but also well-determined!

What do you think of a Swami Vivekananda, if he takes another birth?

Shocking news for you is: There is nothing in our hands. All our thoughts, words, deeds are not ours. They are HIS. There is no free-will. Even when this fact is revealed many a time in Gita. Quran, Bible… by many Gurus/Avatars …..God did not give us the ability to realize this otherwise this show will not run.

I know you too cannot accept this fact readily!

Only few people living with Lord Krishna does know that HE is the GOD!

To tell you with an example: Everybody in this world knows that they will die some day!
We will not realize this every second, just like as we don’t realize our Breath.
We behave as if we are immortal

A person who starts realizing every second that He/She is breathing can realize this fact! That’s why all the Yoga’s, kriya’s, etc are back of realizing the Breath.

Let me delete my comments once you read them!


Madhuri said...

If all our births are pre determined then you mean to say that whether I do good or bad now it is not going to matter at all? I dont agree to this statement at all. Why do humans have the ability to think, have the capacity to differentiate right from wrong, good from bad?

About Swami Vivekananda - it is good if he takes another birth. Do you know for sure that he did not take any re birth. And I never mentioned that all of them have rebirths. There is something called "Moksham" too. may be he attained that. Swami Ji told in one of his lectures that one who can realize his "Atman" has attained everything. There is not rebirth for that person. So may be he practised that and achieved Moksham.

Also there are documents which state that Swami Ji is born in Sri Lanka.

Read the "The rebirth of Swami Vivekananda" section in the following link:

About "Nothing is in our hands" I do not agree to that either. I know that if we do good we can see the results in the current life itself. God is too busy to take care of each and every move of every single person living. If everythig is in God's hands then how come he preached different things in Gita. Why did he ask to pray him? To surrender to him when he can make us do it by himself? (Ex: AnanyaSchintayantomama....sloka in Gita).

Some slokas in Gita say that you should worship God to conquer all your fears and attain moksha. How will I pray to God if there is nothing in my hands. Why is Lord Krishna asking me to pray to him when I dont have the ability to do anything by myself?

I dont accept that there is nothing in out hands. God has given us birth. He always tries to show us good path. Itis upto us to take it or leave with arrogance or ignorance. He always tries to do good.

OK. I don't think I need to realize that I am going to die someday. For me, I may die today, tomorrow, or may be a few years later. instead of realizing and brooding over my death I prefer to live my life not even one day at a time, but one moment at a time. When death comes so be it. Atleast I had some great time.

Please do not delete any comments. These are interesting comments.

Unknown said...

Hi ,

I know you will not accept this fact ...infact i was not trying to convince you.I donot want to argue on this also!

Let me tell you ...
I started with the same feeling as you did, till i met SRIRAM SIR in my life.

I did see in live when Swami created Vibhuti for me and sprinkled over by body...Materialised things before my Eyes

Then I accepted that there are certainly some higher things...and higher people than us.

I know people who can predict things that are going to happen in our life...

but... it so happened when i met SIR... HE scientifically proved that every second of our life is Pre-determined.

Please donot forget to meet me when you come india...I cannot put some experiences in WEB

For time being please stay with your thoughts !

SRIRAM SIR is one of the unrevealed Avtar...for your understanding just like ...SaiBaba.

Mytreyi said...

Hi Madhuri,

Well, about the re-birth concept, honestly I dont believe in it. Why? Well, i dont remember what I was in the last birth and obviously will not know what I will be in the next birth (if I have one and that too as a human being).
So, when we dont remember any of that, it does not make sense to keep working for that. I agree with what you have written in the comments: Do good now and it will come back to you in this life.
So I live for that. I do good because it gives me satisfaction and I live peacefully. So live this life fully, happily and goodly (if there is a word like that :-))
And if the good does not come back to me, then probably I was not good enough or I dont deserve that. One thing I believe is destiny. I try my best for what I want and if I dont get it, I think that it is not in my destiny. It does not stop me in anyway. I believe that I have things in life which others crave for. So I am luckier than many other people in life. And that is where I know my goodness has helped me :-)

btw, I liked the way you have describe the fall and spring seasons.

Madhuri said...

I believe in rebirth for 2 reasons.
Firstly, I was raised with all the epic stories which keep mentioning about rebirth. Also my grand father has written some good works in rebirth which convinced me of the fact.

Secondly, one of my maternal uncles, he is a living example of rebirth. It seems that he remembered his previous birth till the age of 7 or 10years old. He told my grand parents about his previous life. What he was, his name, occupation, his parents, where he lived etc... My grandparents went to that village and met some people who confirmed the facts. So I guess I have a living example to believe the concept.

There is a sloka in sanskrit –

"Runanu bandha rupena
Pasu patni sutalaya,
Runa kshaya khsayeyanthi
Katatra parivedana"

It means that we all are indebted to every person around us and vice versa by the favors we mutually do to each other. And the people come and go in our life to give it back to you what you did to them in this life or previous life. I have seen several examples to make this sloka come true in my own life. So I guess this strengthens my belief.

The reason why they say that marriage lasts for 7 lives is based on rebirth and “Runanu bandham”.

Anyways, this is my belief based on what I have read and was told so far :-)

Ravinder Reddy G said...

Thanks for posting nice mesage..
I am happy hear about 'Sriram Sir"

n.nag said...

there is no need of convincing others what we believe.we just tell is up to them to believe or should not try to explain about is not that easy
to understand .it is not that should only should read his books.hear him.then there wont be any questions.

vijaymohan said...

Madam, You are blessed by the presence of Sri Ram Sir. To us, we are large family in affectionate folds of Sri Ram Sir, Sri Ram Sir is end of every thing in our life, our philosophy, our desires, aspirations have ended when we met him. His ability to see the divinity in nature and his ability to see the happiness through the tear drops of pain and suffering and we are carrying burdens of day to day suffering with ease and clarity and it all happened after advent of Sri Ram Sir in our lives.

tRiPpY diMeNCiOn said...

Everyone is speaking and understanding according to their individual experience. Its true if you have experienced it and its not if you haven't. No one ever truly believes in it unless one experiences it. Thats why spirituality is always new though it was always there, unlike cultures which can be described and understood or mocked rather, and die in the course of time. But we still don't stop discussing do we? That is because we are so used to it. And want to know the truth now. Creation works in mysterious ways. This also shows duality in understanding. In simple words anything can be proven right or wrong. Its two sides of the same coin of ignorance. There is only one way to find the truth, experience it yourself. Even what I am saying can be proven right and wrong. U ll have to experience it yourself to know what I mean. And if you do know or even read till here out of curiosity means you already have..

Madhuri said...

Hello Chintan,


Well said!

How did you even find this post?


tRiPpY diMeNCiOn said...

Thanks :).. but its not me u know..i am just another guy experiencing contradicting stuff everyday and unable to look at things from one perspective anymore cause we cant ignore other perspectives when they are so clearly visible..and hence it neutralizes everything.. and then there is silence for a while.. and I dont remember how i ended up on this blog.. :p I just do that sometimes..

Madhuri said...

Well, what is the contradicting stuff relating to rebirth. I mean I do have my own contradicting arguments on this topic. My point of view has changed a little since I wrote this blog. It has been more than 5 years now. Comes with life's experiences I guess. But then I would like to know your point of view - just for the sake of discussion on an interesting topic :)


tRiPpY diMeNCiOn said...

Well you are a stubborn one, aren't you.. :) so for the record.. I don't really get why am I here and why is everybody born with different personalities in different situations. The whole thing that is being taught generally seems lame and stupid.. Doesn't make sense.. Human race being the most intelligent species ever known does not know why are we born and what happens when we die.. Well its either you know or you don't. So till we realize the truth, lets keep our mind and all the six senses open to everything. Keep learning and celebrating. Perception is just a tool of releasing emotions, which if does not change, turns into personality. Its like you are driving a car for such a long time that you start thinking that you are the car itself. Its not who we are. Learning happens automatically. We just need to let go that 'we know' and let it happen..

Madhuri said...

Well, you have some very intense thinking going on there!

How old are you? No I am just curious. Because my response depends on whether you are in your early 20's and in college trying understand life when you don't have much to study or in late 30's and just when you realize that you planned your life would be something which isn't now or in mid 40's mid life crisis going on or 50's or 60's where you lived a great deal of your life and now wondering what it was all about and why it is how it is etc etc. Because I have got canned answers depending on age group :) trust me I do! I dealt with all these age groups in one way or the other.


tRiPpY diMeNCiOn said...

It dosent matter. I have been asking since I dont remember how long. Its very natural and dosent bother me all the time. Sometimes I end up getting very simple answers and solutions for the toughest logical problems and sometimes I just love playing with it and looking at the shocked response of people, which automatically compels some of them to think :) When I was a kid I used to ask my father, who was mature enough to respect a kids curiosity and answer my questions very honestly. After series of questions he used to give up and tell me one thing "I don't have answers to all your questions, but you will get your answers when you grow old. You will find people and other things around you which will give you your answers." I think one's childhood matters a lot. Psychologist say that lot of issues in ones adult life are rooted in their childhood. The relaxation method in psychology tries to penetrate the sub conscious by taking the patient into a trance like state and the person blurts out all their forgotten memories and Issues they hold out of various fears when they are conscious. Psychologist try to understand that and feeds some positive instructions in their subconscious to make things better. But that is not our answer now is it? Because it works on limited stuff. That's because Children are born with a specific personality and hence a kind of perception too. The science of astrology deals with that. It shows what kind of personality and other things that you are born with. So yes, it is decided. There was a great astrologer I knew who had lots of people coming to him as he used to magically solve their problem with his astrology mumbo jumbo logic. I asked him if it was true and how did he do it? Because it worked. And for years no one ever turned disappointed. Which I very well knew was definitely not a coincidence. He gave me the most disturbing answer. He said don't believe in it. Its true but don't believe in it. I got furious and thought he doesn't want to tell me his secret. But I knew he will not lie to me and he never could as I always used to know when he was lying. That man was my father. Its a pattern that the whole society is following for centuries. But now i understand that the big question is 'Who decides it?' Most of them says its GOD, Allah, Bhagvan. Hes got all sorts of names. Who sits in the sky and manages everything. But if you are open enough to observe that all their religious books also say that 'I am that I am' Again we have two answers. I don't want to go in that discussion or make any conclusion as the whole world is fighting over different perceptions for centuries. The point is duality exists. But we know that 'Energy can neither be created and nor be destroyed'. Most of us get stuck to that and think that is the whole truth. Rest of the part says, 'IT CAN ONLY BE TRANSFORMED FROM ONE FORM TO ANOTHER' now thats something to think about :)

Madhuri said...

Interesting points. Thought provoking indeed. It is really amazing when you delve into these topics because you unravel the power of the supreme force say God or what ever it is. My father was into Astrology a little bit for few years. I believed in what he said. The cosmic power because it was explained in a scientific way. My dad was Chemist by profession, a mathematician by heart. He loved the science of Astrology and made it his hobby after he retired. His predictions were pretty good. Most of them became true. He explained to me the formulae he used to come to the conclusion he did and it was pretty interesting.

Coming to psychology - I strongly believe in the power of subconscious mind. I have many experiences of my own when I experimented with my sub conscious mind and it is truly amazing to see the results.

Anyways, coming back to creation, the cosmic power, I think you should go beyond the materialistic world and look at the big picture. I mean universe, life, human existence. I would start my research from a quantum physics point of view. But again that is my approach.

Did you read abour Ramana Maharshi. His books are on the same lines. Similar questions.

But then I am in the midst of raising my kids and family and you know what? They say you cannot be spiritual while in gruhastasramam. But that's not so true. If you are someone who have been thinking in those lines or brought up around those surroundings you cannot stop but analyze every aspect of your life in that angle. My current research is on kids. Right from they are born how their personalities shape up. What are the factors which contribute to different personalities etc. It is so much fun doing that research. I make my kids lab rats sometimes to test something :)

Anyways good luck with your spiritual quest. Let me know if you find answers to any of your questions. I would be interested to learn your findings. You can email me at


Chintan said...

Thanks.. its the wisdom and blessings of the masters that finds me. Yes I have seen Ramana Maharishi a lot here and there mostly on the internet. I am not a great reader of books though. Haven't read more than 4-5 books without drawings in my whole life or this life to be precise :) Except for those School and Engineering books that I was forced to read. I still get goosebumps when I think of them :p All I am saying is that learning is better and fun with more senses involved. Its everywhere and it can come from any direction when we ask. Just need to be aware. And you are absolutely right about psychology. Its a modern name for a part of an ancient science which goes beyond sub conscious and super conscious. Human race has learnt a lot more than what people see and are being served.

Another very good point you have raised. Everything that you perceive physically is a part of the materialistic world. Answers are within. A scientific fact says that human mind generally perceives only a few percent of what happens around them. So there is a lot happening and we only witness according to our default perceptions. That too everyone with unique combinations of it. And hence can never fully agree with each other. Remember our perceptions are inside each and every one of us. So outside in a way, is just a projection of what is inside. Outside we can see. It is full of facts. But inside we can understand what we see, how we see and why do we see what we see. We have to learn to look inside our-self first. You will see how the outside changes.

And yes all four ashrams are important. In fact they say that one must experience all four ashrams all the time with one of it being predominant at a time. That can happen with a detached and open mind. When you are aware that everything is temporary you love unconditionally and don't try to change or own anybody or anything. You just accept, love, forgive and experience true essence of life to the fullest. And therefore transform from one ashram to another smoothly and fully.

You have an interesting blog. Would love to explore it and share my experiences with you. Good Luck with your research and your lab rats :)

Be blessed..

Madhuri said...

Thank You.

See you around I guess then.

Happy Halloween! (if you are somehow involved with it)


Chintan said...

Halloween is not very popular here in India apart from metros though, where young people have started organizing Halloween parties in Disco techs and that's about it.

But I like the spirit of Halloween.. get it 'SPIRIT' of :p Originates from an ancient Celtic festival called Samahain. But I think it goes way back as this time is significant in lots of other ancient traditions too. A lot of them say that this time is when the division between two dimensions (worlds) becomes thin and blurry. Hence directly relates to death.

Some people also think this festival is bad in religious ways. I just read a blog called truth of Halloween. Its was almost around fifteen page of data about cursing this festival and how bad is it for religion, offends God and what not. Wow I mean there was so much info and hard work to prove how satanic and demonic it is and how 1st November was therefore declared as 'All Saints Day' to neutralize it. It was hilarious. Death is as divine and significant as life itself. But even the thought of it strikes terror in people's hearts. Don't worry if you are afraid of it. Most of us are. Its because we don't know or remember rather, what happens after death and are scared of nonexistence. Its just the fear of unknown. But we are even scared of thinking about it. Then how the heck will we know about it? It's because of the great teachings of the so called modern society where adults out of their own fear, scare their children and teach them its taboo to even think about death and religious institutions do it on mass scale to make sure people are scared. They even use God to scare people but that's another topic. Death is a natural phenomena. But we still don't accept it. We cry and grieve and think we do it out of love but actually its only out of attachment, fear and non acceptance of death. Its absolute nonsense. I thinks its very healthy and even exciting to think about anything that you don't know. And the rest follows.
Happy Halloween.

Madhuri said...

Nice! Good research...

Well, I live in US and I have kids. So we go trick or treating, decorate our house with exactly 2 jack o lanterns to indicate that you can come to our house for candy. My son is excited to wear a costume so those simple stuff. Not decorating our house to the insane extent of scaring the neighboring kids. I get scared easily so I try to stay away from such obnoxious things.

Yeah! So far no scary costumes for my kids so going well I guess. But again, I am growing as a parent with them so as and when they progress towards whatever stuff they are interested in I guess I will learn to handle them better. I don't worry :)

Regarding death, it is better to deal with it, explain to kids, though I did wait till my son was 5 to tell him about my dad. It is not as bad as I thought it would be. It helped ME heal from within getting it out actually. The mind body connection you know!

I was not sure where you lived and I was getting ready for the Halloween hence the wishes.


Anonymous said...

Wow Interesting views...I dont know whether rebirth exists or not , what happens to us after we die , but for me it is irrelevant , it is as irrelevant as knowing about what is going on in a particualr house in Ethiopia ...all i know is to celebrate this far as Karma/perdeterminism..I am an ardent fan of Sriram Sir as well...though everything is predetermined , the law of nature also includes cause and effect which is what is karma do good the effect is good , you do bad the effect is bad...use your intelligence (which is limited compared to the devine intelligence) do as much as you can to the extent you can using common sense , which includes doing good because , if I do bad , I will have to also deal with the consequences and then leave the rest to the power higher than you ( who you can name as GOD whom I cannot understand or comprehend with my limited intelligence ..he will take care of what I cannot.

Sreelu said...

Chetan, I totally agree to your viewpoint ...death is natural and as divine as life law of nature is dualistic nature..everything in nature is cannot have rainy season without two peaks can exist without a valley...all this I learnt from Sir..from him I learnt that death has to exist between two lives as well...

Sreelu said...

btw, I was the one who commeted with anonymous the previous comments ,did not know how I can type the name ..ha ha :-)

Chintan said...

Its a wonderful thing that you have someone to enlighten you. We all need them, don't we? :) Without them we are like a loose hurricane. They help us channel our energy. In fact I have experienced them in so many forms and ways I cant explain.
Though not a big scholar of saskrit, all I can say is.
Mantramulam Guru vaakyam,
Mokshamulam Guru Kripa.

Its great know that you guys enjoyed Halloween there. But there's one thing I want to say. I personally request you to please let them wear whatever they want form next time as you will have they whole year to think with an open mind about why I am trying to say this.

Trust me its a good thing if they are comfortable in wearing scary costumes. It only shows that they aren't afraid of it. Its we, who are afraid if we don't want them to wear them. As someone else must have scared us when we were young. Might be one of our dearest people whom we trust and love the most. But they must have acquired it in their childhood and the story of goes on since I don't know how long. But by telling them not to do it, we are creating a warning which in in-turn creates the fear in them, that didn't exist before. And if it did exist due to some past experience, we make it worse by confirming that their fear is true. Its a very brave thing to admit one is scared, even to oneself sometimes. Forget admitting it to others. Its because of the high level of disrespect that exists in the society towards one being scared. Its a very sad scenario. It crashes our ego and makes us feel unworthy. We feel guilty of being scared. A perfect recipe for depression, frustration and what not. We have a whole subject about it and majority of the great humanity is suffering from it. It is just one of our emotions. Everyone if afraid of something. Then why cant we just accept it and respect it. We should respect it just the way we respect bravery as it is not the opposite but only the by product of fear. Without fear, what will you face and overcome to be called brave. The whole charm of bravery disappears as the foolishness enters and the brave forgets that they were once scared too. Love on the other hand, IS the opposite.
Children are very pure and absorb very fast. Everyone has the right to experience and overcome the fear of unknown. We are no one to stop them from doing that. But yes, we can help them whenever they want by creating situations for them to learn whatever they are supposed to and always be honest to them and yourself so they can trust us to realize what we want to tell them. Earn their trust, don't just expect it. But wait for them to ask. This way their self respect is not affected. Respect them as another soul just like you that they are before they are your children, and who have come here to experience the world with you. Love them unconditionally as they love you. Let them know that you are always there for them and its ok to be scared and perfectly fine to ask for help. And divine to help others. Scary costumes are one of the best ways of overcoming their own fear or harmless curiosity. And in case they aren't afraid of it, all they might do is have a lot of fun. And that's what we all are here for, isn't it?

Madhuri said...

Hey Sreelu,

Thank you for sharing your views. Celebrate this life is a great way of living life. I am with you on that.

I always had this question. "you do good the effect is good , you do bad the effect is bad". But I see people around me being mean, selfish, doing bad things but then they have a wonderful life. They do have some issues but I am not sure if they realize that all these things are happening to them because of the bad they are doing but the point is I guess they are better off even with all the stuff they are doing. It doesn't seem fair though.

People who do good things suffering a lot and people who continue to do bad things getting away happily.
That is one more reason which makes me believe in rebirth.

I feel that they did something really great in their past lives to have such a prosperous life where as someone who is suffering a lot who seem extremely good did some really bad in their past lives and are facing the consequences now.

If not for that reason, its just not fair the way things are.

I feel happy for people who are leading a happy life but then what is the motivation to do good right? Not that I intend to do bad things but this really impacts the younger generation. How do we raise our kids with this concept especially when they are so naive. I don't know what to say to my son who comes and asks me - "why should not I push Alex. He did that to me and nothing bad happened to him. He is being good but then if Alex keeps pushing him should I tell him to get back to him or raise him with Gandhian principles??"

Anyways, nice discussion.


Madhuri said...

Chintan Ji :)

Regarding letting my son wear scary costumes on Halloween :)

I agree to your suggestion and will do so as I don't think I will have a say in that as my husband won't let me stop my kids from doing crazy yucky stuff. My son keeps teasing me to look at "Jabba the hut" and other creepy characters from Star Wars. I guess I am a girl with sensitivities and they are boys.

Jokes apart, I get what you are saying. I don't think I will inject fear into my kids even though I am scared of some silly stuff.


Chintan said...

I am sure you wont :). You are the one who balances the family by providing stability which is important for survival. But don't forget to forget the world once in a while and look inside too. That's where the real work begins. And about Alex, being a human kid I m sure he must be feeling twice as guilty and confused after picking on kids or having fights. He himself must have been physically bullied by elders or maybe he thinks its right cause his parents might be behaving the same way at times to him or others or could be anything else depending on the past. We can not force the children to believe in something that they or we ourselves don't know about like rebirth. They are smart enough to realize when you lie, knowingly or unknowingly. Its because they are way simpler and open minded than adults. As I said before we can create situations for them to experience and learn. Apart from live and let live, a child also needs to learn to stand up and speak up when required. One should not suppress anger or compromise on their self respect. The situation to us might seem too little and immature. But for the kid, it's his life that he wont forget for a long time. That was ONE of the reasons Buddhist monks practiced and mastered the art of Kung-Fu literally meaning 'Mastery of a Skill Through Time and Effort.' as there was lot of violence in those days that they had to defend themselves from. And it also improves the overall personality, confidence, growth of the person and a grip and understanding of ones life. Just another way of reaching the same goal. The theory of karma is quite simple if we look at the immediate consequences. For example when we lie, steal or fight we feel guilty. You can feel it between your chest on your Heart Chakra. Its like when you are feeling sick, you don't like things that you usually enjoy and life is disturbed. No matter for how long you hold it in your heart. You may even ignore and forget it but it stays in your physical memory till resolved and cause unknown effects later that you don't have answers for. But whenever you accept and realize the truth you do feel better and lighter. Its because we release the heavy guilt that was being carried all along. Guilt is the lowest form of vibration and Love is the highest. Everything else falls in between. Its up to us what way we choose to go irrespective of wherever we are.

And yes, please call me Chintan :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Namaskaram Madhuri garu!

I'm Madhuri too. Glad to meet another Madhuri.

I recently came to know abt Sriram sir and eager to know more abt him and personally meet him. I know I'm one among 1000's or lakhs who wish to do the same.

U r a very lucky and blessed soul to have known him and be with him. I wud love if u cud tell me how can I contact him and get his blessings and where I can get his books which I hear is equal to our Geeta and Ramayana.Plz plz do help me out in this. Thank u so much for this great blog. I haven't gone through the blog but will definitely read it and let u know my thoughts and doubts.

Am I boring u? I hope not. Anyways Thank u madhuri garu once again.

Sivakanth said...

I could give more details on Sriram Sir. please e-mail me at