Sunday, May 3, 2020

Who is God?

1. Who is God?

When I was growing up, I was taught Matrudevo bhava, Pitru devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava, and Atidhi Devo Bhava. Mother, Father, Teacher, and Guest are to be treated as gods. I grew up with so many Hindu mythological stories where a book, a vehicle, a tree, a mountain, the five elements everything is some or the other God. Those stories made me respect everything in life and not take any of them for granted and be thankful to God to be all pervading and present in every inch of my being.

In my teenage years I studied Quantum Physics and Chemistry where I was taught that everything is made up of atoms and particles and matter. So, I believed that everyone around me, both animate and inanimate objects are made of the same thing just shaped differently and with different properties. Essentially proving the mythological stories with science. So, we are all the same and God should be the same as us. 

As I stepped into my 40’s with all the you tube videos that my younger son watched on Astronomy, understanding about our cosmic universe, big bang theory, galaxies, black holes, white holes, supernovas, parallel universes, multi verse etc. I am amazed at how did all this form to start with. What is the force that is holding all this together? How is universe functioning the way it is? I listened to lot of stories from awakened people on how they explain that as we are part of this immense universe, a snapshot of the universe is part of us as well. Like how a drop of ocean embodies all the characteristics of the entire Ocean, we have the entire universe within us.

Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Once we match the frequency of another being, we strike a resonance and get attracted to them. That’s how we make friends with strangers, it almost feels like we have known them forever and we are happy and experience pure joy in their presence.

In my opinion, that matching of frequency with another being causing resonance, that frequency is God. That joy is God. God is present in all of us at varying frequencies hence the differences we see through out. We are to find that one person, that specific job, that aspect which makes us happy and that is God. And it could happen multiple times with multiple things and with different people. God is there everywhere and in all of us. We need to find the right thing or person that matches our frequency making them our God.

2. Where is God?

God is everywhere. With the right intention, God can be found in everything and everyone.

3. Why should we know God?

Because knowing God is finding Joy in anything and everything we do, it is a very blissful experience that should not be missed.

4. Why should we pray to God?

Praying God, according to me is focusing on getting what you want that brings you joy. If I want to write a book, me focusing on all aspects of accomplishing the task with all my faculties gives me success. If I meditate, or in other words, live, breathe, and act that thought of writing a book will get me closer to my dream. So, in this case my want of writing a book is trying to reach God because it gives me joy. Me thinking about it all the time is Prayer. Basically, Prayer is an intention that gets you closer to what you want in life which brings you joy.

5. Who Am I?

I am a marvel, a part of this amazing universe, a piece of the puzzle who was created with a specific purpose.

6. Why has God given us human birth?

There is a reason why each of us were born. Everyone has a role to play. God cannot do everything so we were all created so that certain tasks can be delegated. One has to understand their purpose in life to find joy and a sense of accomplishment that they are able to contribute to the bigger picture for which they were created.

7. How to know God?

By understanding one’s purpose of life. By finding what makes one happy. By being happy. Finding joy in the everyday things we do.

8. What is Life?

Life is energy flowing in all of us.

9. What should be human life’s ultimate goal?

Every human is made for a purpose. A human’s goal should be to realize their purpose and act towards achieving their truest potential. 

10. What is Parent’s & Teacher’s / Guru’s role in teaching about God, and one’s Life Goal?

Because it is difficult to understand the concept of energy, cosmos, etc. at a very young age parents and teachers should incorporate teachings into kids’ everyday lives which will prepare them with a strong character and mind to understand how to reach their truest potential which will bring them utmost joy. Everyone comes to this world with a set of core values, their strengths. It is the up to the parents and teachers to work with each kid in understanding the kids’ personality and help them grow to become someone wonderful based on their strengths and to help them embrace their weakness and turn it into something that supports their strengths. It is parents and teachers who are responsible to build the future of the kids. They should lead by example and show them the path to a joyous life.

11. Can a common man connect with God in this Life? How?

Of course, yes! Everyone can! If they enjoy what ever they do, give their best towards everything they do, be truthful, honest, sincere, care for others, help others they can be joyful and blissful in life and that experience is God.

12. It is God who is always offering everything to us, serving and helping us from time to time, but from our side what are we offering? How are we serving or helping God?

We offer and serve God by being grateful for the life given to us, by doing our best in everything, leading a truthful, honest, sincere life, helping others in need to our best capability, going beyond our personal gains and leading a joyful, peaceful, blissful life. When we do all these, we are not causing any commotion, or chaos in this world. We are not part of the problem. By being joyful and blissful we are changing others around us to be so and that is being part of a solution helping God in his/her efforts to strike balance and achieve calm in this universe.u

Who is God? Responses from a 15 year old

1. Who is God?

God is a supernatural power who set the world in motion and took his hands off.

2. Where is God?

I think God is dead. I just think it makes it more realistic. Because if you say God is there you end up praying more and not taking responsibility. If God is dead then it falls upon you to take action.

3. Why should we know God?

Stories of God are fun ways to learn morals. Having it come from God is a better way to instill morals in kids. It fills in the gaps where Science is missing reason. To understand what happened before big bang theory, why it exploded when it did. I think God set up everything inside a condensed area like a long twisty line of dominos. And then the big bang started when he pushed the first domino.

4. Why should we pray to God?

I don’t think you have to

5. Who Am I?

One of seven billion people. Someone trying to succeed in life like everyone else.

6. Why has God given us Human Birth?

So that population continues and species does not die after one generation.

7. How to know God?

Have faith in God where you think Science does not work.

8. What is Life?

An opportunity.

9. What should be Human life’s ultimate goal?

I don’t think human life should have a collective goal because it is up to the individual.

10. What is Parent’s & Teacher’s / Guru’s role in teaching about God, and one’s Life Goal?

Parent’s can use God stories to teach kids morals and nothing further than that, people should think of God of what they want it to be. Since parents have more life experiences, they can tell their kids about their path ways to success but you should not restrict them to just one.

11. Can a common man connect with God in this Life? How?

No because God is dead.

12. It is God who is always offering everything to us, serving and Helping us from time to time, but from our side what are we offering? How are we serving or helping God?

I think God does not do anything now because God is dead. We can’t serve God because God does not exist anymore.

Who is God - Responses from an 8 year old

1. Who is God?

God is anyone or everything that has a soul

2. Where is God?

God is everywhere

3. Why should we know God?

We should know God because god keeps us alive

4. Why should we pray to God?

We should pray to god so that god can fix our problems and give us blessings

5. Who Am I?

I am god because I have a soul.

6. Why has God given us Human Birth?

God has given us human birth because he got bored and created us as his toys

7. How to know God?

You know God by being yourself.

8. What is Life?

Life is the luckiness in being an animate object and finding love. Life is also the state of reality.

9. What should be Human life’s ultimate goal?

A human’s ultimate goal is to live forever in a rich life. Also, it should be about healing your sins and getting blessings.

10. What is Parent’s & Teacher’s / Guru’s role in teaching about God, and one’s Life Goal?

Parents and teachers can teach kids about God by teaching them all the stories, personalities, and festivals about God. Knowing this they can pray to God with ease.

11. Can a common man connect with God in this Life? How?

Yes. By being his true self and praying for years nonstop.

12. It is God who is always Offering everything to us, Serving and Helping us from time to time, but from our side what are we Offering? How are we Serving or Helping God?

We are not serving or offering anything to God because humans are polluting the toy world that he created. It is like humans are like live action figures that god created that live on earth, the table that God puts his toys on. Humans are destroying that world by destroying forests and the protective atmosphere that is shielding earth.

We can do the exact opposite of the above by creating instead of destroying the earth. That is how we can offer him something. That’s when the toys are happy by creating something for its owner.